Moroccan currency banknotes featuring Moroccan Dirhams and coins. Learn about the best options for currency exchange in Morocco.

Money Matters in Morocco: A Handy Currency Exchange Handbook

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Planning a trip to Morocco and wondering about the best way to exchange currency? We understand your concerns, and in this blog post, we’ll provide you with some helpful tips and advice. Join us as we discuss the options for exchanging English pounds, the convenience factor, and where to find the best rates. Let’s dive in!

The Best Option for Currency Exchange in Morocco

Moroccan currency banknotes featuring Moroccan Dirhams and coins. Learn about the best options for currency exchange in Morocco.
Photo by Axel Drainville on Flickr

When exchanging currency in Morocco, it’s essential to consider the options that will give you the best rates and convenience. While it has been a frequently asked question, we’re here to provide a definitive answer.

ATMs: Your Best Bet for Better Rates and Convenience

If you want the most favorable exchange rates, withdrawing cash from ATMs in Morocco is the way to go. Many travelers recommend using the fee-free Post Office (Al Barid) ATMs, which provide competitive rates. The best part is that these ATMs can be found at every airport in Morocco, making it incredibly convenient for travelers.

Carry Some UK Notes as Backup

While ATMs are generally reliable, having a small reserve of UK notes in emergencies is always a good idea. It’s better to be prepared for unexpected situations where cards might not be accepted or ATMs temporarily unavailable.

Exchanging Currency in Marrakech

If you’re specifically planning to visit Marrakech, the most visited city in Morocco, here are some additional insights to help you make the most of your currency exchange:

In-Town Exchange Options

In Marrakech, you’ll find exchange bureaus and ATMs offering competitive rates. The Hotel Ali (Djemma El Fna) and the nearby exchange next to the Argana restaurant are often recommended for their great rates. Additionally, using the Al Barid Bank’s ATMs can provide equally good rates, if not better.

Currency Exchange at the Airport

ATMs are in the airport’s departure area if you prefer to have some local currency upon arrival. However, it’s advisable to avoid using the Global exchange and instead opt for one of the bank’s exchanges located on the departure side of the terminal.


Currency exchange can be a concern when traveling to a new country, but with the correct information, you can make informed decisions and ensure a smooth financial experience. In Morocco, utilizing ATMs, particularly the fee-free Post Office ATMs, is highly recommended for better rates. Carrying a small reserve of UK notes can also serve as a backup. When in Marrakech, consider the in-town exchange options and the convenient ATMs at the airport. Lastly, plan your transportation wisely, choosing between taxis and local buses based on your preferences and budget.

We hope these tips will help you navigate the currency exchange process and enjoy your trip to Morocco to the fullest!

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